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On the Anomaly Impact Details page, users gain insight into why & how AGILITY triggered each anomaly notification by delineating the anomaly’s unique information we received. The Anomaly Impact Details page allows you to drill down further into an anomaly's causes & impacts to expedite network resolution processes and gather knowledge to prevent similar anomalies from reoccurring.


  • The KQI Name column provides the name of the KQI extracted directly from the network data ingested by AGILITY.

  • The Impacted QoE (Quality of Experience) column provides a rating for the quality of experience that the user encountered on the indicated cell.

  • The Value column is a measurement that uses aggregated user data to quantify the impact that subscribers faced from the anomaly.

  • The Service column lists the service type.

  • The Current Impact column is a measurement that uses aggregated user data to qualify the impact that subscribers faced from the anomaly. The impact levels include Low, Medium, High, No & N/A. “No” means that there was no impact. “N/A” means that there is no data available.

  • The See Trends column allows users to visualize the service impact on a graph that plots the impacted KQI for the selected anomaly amongst normal network behavior to highlight deviations and demonstrate their severity.



example to use:

KQI name how we ingest the data

QoE = quality of experience : user experience faced on that cell

Value: the output of the KQI. its the aggregated data of individual data of subscribers on those cells. Each user . Value is a measure of the impact of the anomaly.

Sevrice : the service name

Current impact: the model computes the impact and tells you if it is low medium high or not available . No means it is not impacted there are three no, medium, high N/A means the data is not available


KQIS Trends

The Service KQIS Trends graph plots the impacted KQI for the selected anomaly amongst normal network behavior to highlight deviations and demonstrate their severity.

How to View the Impacted KQIs Service Trends

To view the impacted KQI service Trends graph:

  1. On the Anomaly Details page, go to the Imapcted KQIS chart.

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  2. Select the graph line icon from the SEE Trends column.

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    The Service KQIS TREND data for the selected KQI will load.

See Trends:


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  • Normal network behaviour (no anomalies) is plotted in green
