On the Anomaly Impact Details page, users gain insight into why & how AGILITY triggered each anomaly notification by delineating the anomaly’s unique information we received. The Anomaly Impact Details page allows you to drill down further into an anomaly's causes & impacts to expedite network resolution processes and gather knowledge to prevent similar anomalies from reoccurring.
The Start Date & Time column provides the start date and time at which the anomaly began.
The Cell column provides the cell site identifier.
The Site columnprovides the site ID
The Network Layer column provides the domain name.
The Duration column lists the amount of time that lapsed before anomaly recovery or the duration of time that the anomaly lasted.
The Class column provides the anomaly classification
The Anomaly Score is a backend threshold that is used to determine if an anomaly should be displayed to users.
The RCA column provides the Root Cause Analysis for the anomaly.
The Detected On column provides the time at which AGILITY detected the anomaly. This detail demonstrates the latency for the amount of time it takes AGILITY to detect that there was an issue. Note that there can be a delay in the receipt of receiving data from the customer, which contributes to the latency.
The auxiliary data will load
if we have an alarm on site it will trigger an anomaly based on the alarms right now we don't have an alarm . In some cases we do have an alarm. Example of cases with an alarm: https://oci-ad-dev.b-yond.com/ran/anomaly/c3818f35-a987-d578-aa66-58f7bcb3569c?restoreFilters=4bdbf827-75e0-4620-99d1-4b55ce3ebcba
Alarm type: sometimes it is not a KPI issue . Either an issue is a PM KPI or an FM Alarm Fault. Management PM performance Management
Anomaly Correlations
Anomlay Correlation : Anomaly correlation between anomalies that are all connected together. Ex there are several towers in a stadium, Tower a had an issue tower b & c had an issue and they were triggered separately, The correlator will bring these issues into one place to advise that here is a common issue happening on an area on a group of towers whether its on the same domain or a different domain ex. a router far away fro m the stadium has an issue and at the same time there was a problem on those sites. if we ave an anomaly in PS core and we notice that it is affecting towers , we connect them
We will get an example from Toufic:
View details will take you to the NOMALYT DETAILS FOR THAT SPECIFIC ANOMALY IT is a link for that particular anomaly
its telling you the anomaly at these two sites is correlated
Impacted Subscriber Group Overview
IMPACTED SUBSCRIBER GROUPS OVERVIEW: change to impacted customer insight
(Fault Management) Alarms
FM Alarms are triggered for non-PM (Performance Management) KPI issues.
The Alarm ID column
The Description column
The Severity Level column
The Alarm Type column
The Importance column
The Occurrence Time column
Anomaly Correlations
The Anomaly Correlations chart displays correlations between anomalies that have common causes. The correlations are made across domains as well within the same domain. Correlations help group together issues with similar sources to expedite resolution timeframes. The anomaly chart below visualizes the fact that the anomalies at these two sites are correlated.
The View Details column provides users access to the Anomaly Details page for the selected anomaly.
Impacted Subscriber Group Overview
The visualizations and graphs in the Impacted Subscriber Groups Overview section of the Anonaly Details page depict the customer impacts of the anomaly.
The Total Number of Subscribers Impacted (VoLTE) pannel displays how many VoLTE users were actually being impacted by the anomaly.
The Total Number of Subscribers Impacted (Data) pannel displays how many data users were actually being impacted by the anomaly.
SUBSCRIBER GROUPS IMPACTEDCharts help identify who the affected users are general , normal , VIP, corporate government