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On the Anomaly Impact Details page, users gain insight into why & how AGILITY triggered each anomaly notification by delineating the anomaly’s unique information we received. The Anomaly Impact Details page allows you to drill down further into an anomaly's causes & impacts to expedite network resolution processes and gather knowledge to prevent similar anomalies from reoccurring.


The auxiliary data will load


FM (Fault Management) Alarms


  • The Total Number of Subscribers Impacted (VoLTE) pannel displays how many VoLTE users were actually being impacted by the anomaly.

  • The Total Number of Subscribers Impacted (Data) pannel displays how many data users were actually being impacted by the anomaly.

SUBSCRIBER GROUPS IMPACTEDCharts help identify who the affected users are general , normal , VIP, corporate government

IMPACTED QoE Qulity of Experience how were the users affected , what happened to them ?

IMPACTED QoEWhat was affected what kind of application was impacted what kind of application they were using social media audio


  • The Subscriber Groups Impacted pie chart displays the affected user groups (such as General, VIP, Corporate, Government, etc.)

  • The Impacted QoE (Quality of Experience) pie chart displays how the user was impacted.

  • The Applications pie chart displays the application(s) that the user was using when the anomaly occurred.

The information panel at the bottom of the page provides additional subscriber details, including:

  • The applicable Cell ID.

  • The applicable Cell Name.

  • The device’s IMSI.

  • The subscriber's MSISDN.

  • The subscriber’s customer Group.

  • The subscriber’s Service Plan type.

  • The subscriber’s service Plan ID.

  • Additional VoLTE &/or Data KQI Details quantifying the service degradation experienced by the subscriber.

Access Additional KQI Details for the Impacted Subscriber Group

  1. Go to the Impacted Subscriber Groups Overview section of the Anomaly Details page.

  2. Select the VoLTE or Data icon.

    Image Added

The KQI degradation details for the subscriber will be displayed.
