S3 Backup configuration for AGILITY
AGILITY provides local backup per default and it is suggested not to change this setting. However, it is possible to optionally enable remote S3 backup.
Create a kubernetes secret named
with the remote S3 credentials.Declare the S3 credentials as environment variables and the namespace where AGILITY is installed
Code Block export NS=agility export S3_BACKUP_CREDENTIALS_FILE=/tmp/s3-backup.ini export S3_ACCESS_KEY=<Access key> export S3_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET=<Secret access key>
Store in a temporary file the S3 credentials with the following format
Code Block cat <<EOF > ${S3_BACKUP_CREDENTIALS_FILE} [global] repo2-s3-key=${S3_ACCESS_KEY} repo2-s3-key-secret=${S3_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET} EOF
Create the kubernetes secret
Code Block kubectl --namespace ${NS} create secret generic agility-db-backup --from-file=s3.conf=${S3_BACKUP_CREDENTIALS_FILE}
Define backup override values file
Define the required information
Code Block export S3_BUCKET_NAME=<bucket_name> export S3_ENDPOINT=<endpoint> export S3_REGION=<region> export S3_URI_STYLE=<host|path>
As per
should be eitherhost
. Usuallypath
is the preferred option:S3 URI Style. The following URI styles are supported: host - Connect to bucket.endpoint host. path - Connect to endpoint host and prepend bucket to URIs.
Declare the file
Code Block cd agility-charts cat <<EOF> agility-services-values-backup.yaml postgrescluster: pgbackrest: backup: bucket_s3: enabled: true bucket_name: ${S3_BUCKET_NAME} endpoint: ${S3_ENDPOINT} region: ${S3_REGION} path: /backups/pgbackrest/${NS}/agility-db/repo2 uri_style: ${S3_URI_STYLE} otherSpecs: manual: repoName: repo2 options: - --type=full EOF
Run the Helm command to deploy agility-services:
Code Block helm --namespace ${NS} upgrade --install --create-namespace agility-services ./agility-services --values agility-services-values-backup.yaml
Once deployed, check backup configuration is healthy
Code Block export DB_POD=$(kubectl --namespace ${NS} get pod -l "postgres-operator.crunchydata.com/role=master" --no-headers -o custom-columns=":metadata.name") kubectl --namespace ${NS} exec ${DB_POD} -c pgbackrest -- pgbackrest info --output=json | jq '.[].repo[] | select(.key == 2)'
Output should be the following:
Code Block { "cipher": "none", "key": 2, "status": { "code": 2, "message": "no valid backups" } }
Enforce first full backup execution on the S3 bucket
Code Block kubectl --namespace ${NS} annotate postgrescluster agility-db postgres-operator.crunchydata.com/pgbackrest-backup="$(date)"
A new pod will be created, wait until it gets
statusCode Block kubectl --namespace ${NS} get pod -l postgres-operator.crunchydata.com/pgbackrest-repo=repo2 -w
S3 Backup verification
Once S3 backup is configured, it is possible to verify the current status:
Code Block |
{ "cipher": "none", "key": 2, "status": { "code": 0, "message": "ok" } } |
database can be restored in place.