

AGILITY kubernetes pod resources can be customized. The following guide explains how to apply these changes.

All values files must be defined under same directory where agility helm charts were downloaded. Usually agility-charts directory:

cd agility-charts

Define resources for agility-system

  1. Define resources override values file

    cat <<EOF> agility-system-values-resources.yaml pgo: resources: controller: limits: {} requests: {} upgrade: limits: {} requests: {} strimzi-kafka-operator: resources: limits: {} requests: {} EOF

Edit the file with the desired resource values.

  1. Deploy agility-system adding the new values file

    helm --namespace kube-system upgrade --install --create-namespace agility-system ./agility-system --values agility-system-values-resources.yaml

Define resources for agility-services

  1. Define resources override values file

    Edit the file with the desired resource values.

  2. Deploy agility-services adding the new values file

Define resources for agility

  1. Define resources override values file

    Edit the file with the desired resource values.

  2. Deploy agility adding the new values file