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Each domain dashboard pinpoints the source of network problems at cell sites to exponentially significantly reduce network engineers' workloads through automation.



Default Filters: When the Dashboard is accessed through the menu, it automatically reflects the past 3 hours and 15 minutes of activity on the selected Network.

Auto Refresh

Auto Refresh is the default filter for each domain dashboard. When Auto Refresh is toggled on

Set Filters

  1. Toggle Auto Refresh toggle off to refine the dashboard results using filters.

  2. Optional: To use filters, select Show Filters.

    The filter menu will expand.

  3. Use the Start Date and Time filter to narrow the search results to reflect the timeframe that you'd like to investigate.

    Options for entering the Start Date & Time:

    1. Manually in the format (MM/DD/YYYY 00:00) *Please use Military Time for the 24-hour clock format.

    2. Through the interactive calendar icon and clock.

  4. Use the End Date & Time filter to narrow the search results to reflect the timeframe that you'd like to investigate.

    Options for entering the End Date & Time:

    1. Manually in the format (MM/DD/YYYY 00:00) *Please use Military time for the 24-hour clock format.

    2. Through the interactive calendar icon and clock.

  5. Use the Radio Network Type drop-down to select the network type that you'd like to investigate.

  6. Use the Anomaly Class drop-down to select specific anomaly classes.

  7. Use the Anomaly Duration filter to select the time duration of the anomalies that you would like to view insights for.

    For example, select:
    -> "0-15 min" to view anomalies that lasted for 0-15 minutes
    ->"15-30 min" to view anomalies that lasted for 15-30 minutes
    ->"30-45 min" to view anomalies that lasted for 30-45 minutes
    ->"more than 45 min" to view anomalies that lasted more than 45 minutes

  8. Use the VoLTE - Service Impact filter.

    Refine the results to reflect:
    ->"All": All anomalies impacting VoLTE service
    -> "Current": The anomalies currently impacting VoLTE service.
    -> "In 15": Anomalies that will impact VoLTE services in 15 min.
    -> "In 30": Anomalies that will impact VoLTE services in 30 min.
    -> "In 45": Anomalies that will impact VoLTE services in 45 min.
    -> "In 60": Anomalies that will impact VoLTE services in 60 min.

  9. Use the Data-Service Impact filter to refine the results to reflect:
    ->"All": All anomalies impacting Data service
    -> "Current": The anomalies currently impacting VoLTE service.
    -> "In 15": Anomalies that will impact Data services in 15 min.
    -> "In 30": Anomalies that will impact Data services in 30 min.
    -> "In 45": Anomalies that will impact Data services in 45 min.
    -> "In 60": Anomalies that will impact Data services in 60 min.

  10. Use the International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) number filter to view the anomaly impact details for a specific network user.
    *To input an IMSI, type the number into the IMSI field.

  11. Use the Regions filter to view the anomaly impact details for specific regions.

  12. Use the Custom Regions drop-down to view detailed anomaly insights for the custom regions in your network.

  13. Use the Location ID Area drop-down to view detailed anomaly insights sorted by custom locations.
    (Location ID Areas are smaller and more precise geographical areas than the regional areas listed in the "Regions" drop-down.)

  14. Use the Radio Site Name filter to write the name of the site that you'd like to investigate. The results will populate any detected anomalies for the site.

  15. Enter a cell name into the Radio Cell Name drop-down to view detailed anomaly impact information for a particular Radio Cell.

  16. Use the Customer Group drop-down to view detailed anomaly impacts for specific Customer Groups.
    Customers groups are configured by Ooredoo and include groupings such as:
    -Small Business
    -Medium Enterprise
    -High-Value Customers
    -Ooredoo Family

  17. Use the (number of) Impacted Subscribers -VoLTE field to refine anomaly results to reflect specific ranges of customers impacted by anomalies, and enter the desired range of impacted subscribers into the "From" & "To" fields.

  18. Use the (number of) Impacted Subscribers -Data field to refine anomaly results to reflect specific ranges of customers impacted by anomalies enter the desired range of impacted subscribers into the "From" & "To" fields.

  19. Optional: Check the "Only Root Cause Anomalies" check box when you'd like to refine your search results to depict only anomalies that are causing problems to neighbor cells.

  20. Optional: Check the "Only With Critical Alarms" check box to refine the search results to depict only anomalies with critical alarms. Critical Alarms indicate that swift remediation action is required to prevent customer-facing impacts.

  21. Enter the Start Date & Time by:

    1. Typing it manually in this format: MM/DD/YYYY HH: MM ( a 24-hour clock)

    2. Using the calendar icon

  22. Click APPLY. Your chosen filters will be reflected on the dashboard.

    Image Added


Once you've set your filters, you have the option to hide them. Select “Hide Filters” if you’d like to collapse the filters drop-down and enhance your view of the results for your query.


When you'd like the dashboard to reflect real-time network occurrences, slide the Auto Refresh toggle to the right. You will not be able to select fIlters when Auto Refresh is toggled on

The Domain Map View

  1. Navigate the interactive map by using the roller cursor on your mouse to zone in and out of areas of interest.
