In this article, you’ll learn how to dive deeper into Domain Insights to maximize the benefits of Anomaly Detection.
AGILITY CA provides a dashboard for each network domain
What are the Domain Insights Dashboards?
Each network's individualized dashboard slices and dices network data to provide you with a view of the anomalies detected on the lowest hierarchy available. By zoning in on anomaly details, AGILITY AD exposes the root causes of network issues in just a few clicks
The Domain Insights Dashboards provide users with the following:
-> Filters to refine search criteria
-> An interactive map that allows users to zone in on specific regions, cell tower clusters, and individual towers.
-> Access to the Anomaly Impact Details Page
->In-depth anomaly details such as:
o Start Date & Time
o Last Updated
o Radio Cell Count
o Radio Site Name
o Radio Network Type
o Duration
o Class
o Anomaly Score
o Impacted Subs – VoLTE
o VoLTE Impact
How to Access the Domain Insights Dashboards:
The two main routes to access the Domain Insights Dashboard from the Anomaly Detection Home page are:
Expanding the Domain Insights menu. This icon expands the Domain Insights menu, where you can navigate to the Domain Insights Page by selecting the network you'd like to survey for anomalies. When you click on a Domain name from the menu, you'll be redirected to the applicable Domain Insights' Dashboard.
Clicking on a data point on any data visualizations (alert cards, graphs, & charts) found on the Home page.
The Alerts Cards: You can click on any Alert card with an Alert tally greater than zero to be directed to the Insights Dashboard for the Alerts listed.
The Probable Service Impact Graphs: You can click on any bar on the graph to be directed to the corresponding Insights Dashboard.
Subscribers Impacted by Network Element: You can click on any bar on the graph to be directed to the corresponding Domain Insights page.
VIP Subscribers Impacted by Network Element: You can click on any bar on the graph to be directed to the corresponding Domain Insights page.
Service Impact Heat Map: You can click on any region of the map to be directed to the corresponding Domain Insights page.
The Anomaly Count per Network Domain Graph: You can click on any data point on the graph to be directed to the corresponding Domain Insights page.
Top Anomaly Classes Detected: You can also access the Domain Insights Dashboard via the Top Anomaly Classes Detected graph. Click on a bar on the graph. The graph view will change from displaying the Anomaly Count by Class to displaying the number of anomalies for the selected class at every 15-minute interval. You can access the Domain Insights Dashboard by clicking on any data point on the graph.
Accessing the RAN Dashboard
Click the AGILITY icon. You will be redirected to the AGLILITY home page.
Click the square icon. The Domain Insights menu will expand.
Select "Radio Access Network". You'll be redirected to the Radio Access Network (RAN) Domain Insights Dashboard. ( To access domain insights for a different domain, click on the desired Domain name from the Continuous Assurance menu. You'll be redirected to the applicable Domain Insights' Dashboard.
Choose your Auto Refresh preference. When you'd like the dashboard to reflect real-time network occurrences, slide the Auto Refresh toggle to the right. Or, leave the Auto Refresh toggle off and learn how to refine dashboard results using filters.
Optional: To use filters, select Show Filters. The filter menu will expand.
Use the Start Date and Time filter to narrow the search results to reflect the timeframe that you'd like to investigate.
Options for entering the Start Date & Time:
Manually in the format (MM/DD/YYYY 00:00) *Please use Military Time for the 24-hour clock format.
Through the interactive calendar icon and clock.
Use the End Date & Time filter to narrow the search results to reflect the timeframe that you'd like to investigate.
Options for entering the End Date & Time:
Manually in the format (MM/DD/YYYY 00:00) *Please use Military time for the 24-hour clock format.
Through the interactive calendar icon and clock.
Default Filters: When the Dashboard is accessed through the menu, it automatically reflects the past 3 hours and 15 minutes of activity on the selected Network.