Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Agility needs access to the following public endpoints in order to work

External service


External host (IP/subnet)

HTTPS tcp/443
'.regions[] | select(.region=="us-ashburn-1") | .cidrs[].cidr'

HTTPS tcp/443

AWS S3 us-west-2

HTTPS tcp/443
'.prefixes[] | select(.service=="S3" and .region=="us-west-2") .ip_prefix'

HTTP Proxy configuration

If the network where AGILITY is running requires an HTTP proxy setup to access Internet, follow these instructions:


  1. Create an override values file (options available in the AGILITY chart):

    Code Block
    cd agility-charts
    vi agility-values-overrides.yaml

    Update cv.httpProxy options

    Code Block
        httpProxy: <>
        httpsProxy: <>
        noProxy: <,,>
    • httpProxy: HTTP Proxy setting, with URL format. Regular expression: ^https?:\/\/.+$.

    • httpsProxy: HTTPS Proxy setting, with URL format. Regular expression: ^https?:\/\/.+$.

    • noProxy: No Proxy setting, comma separated list of network addresses and/or domain names.

  2. Run the Helm command to deploy AGILITY:

    Code Block
    helm --namespace agility upgrade --install --create-namespace agility ./agility --values agility-values-overrides.yaml

    Wait until all Pods are in Running or Completed state and all Running items show all expected containers running under READY column.

Disable remote monitoring (

AGILITY sends anonymous usage data collection to B-Yond. This can be disabled following these instructions:


  1. Create an override values file (options available in the AGILITY chart):

    Code Block
    cd agility-charts
    vi agility-values-overrides.yaml

    Update cv.agilityOpenTelemetry.settings.remote.enabled option

    Code Block
            enabled: false
  2. Run the Helm command to deploy AGILITY:

    Code Block
    helm --namespace agility upgrade --install --create-namespace agility ./agility --values agility-values-overrides.yaml

    Wait until all Pods are in Running or Completed state and all Running items show all expected containers running under READY column.

Enable customer monitoring

AGILITY can send metrics to a compliant Open Telemetry collector.
