AGILITY External Access Requirement

AGILITY External Access Requirement

External access

Agility needs access to the following public endpoints in order to work

External service


External host (IP/subnet)

External service


External host (IP/subnet)


HTTPS tcp/443

'.regions[] | select(.region=="us-ashburn-1") | .cidrs[].cidr'


HTTPS tcp/443



HTTPS tcp/443


AWS S3 us-west-2

HTTPS tcp/443

'.prefixes[] | select(.service=="S3" and .region=="us-west-2") .ip_prefix'

HTTP Proxy configuration

If the network where AGILITY is running requires an HTTP proxy setup to access Internet, follow these instructions:

Deploy the AGILITY Services chart

  1. Create an override values file

    cd agility-charts vi agility-services-values-overrides.yaml

    Update agility-operator.env.manager.httpProxy options

    agility-operator: env: manager: httpProxy: httpProxy: <<http://example.com:3128>> httpsProxy: <<http://example.com:3128>> noProxy: <,,>
    • httpProxy: HTTP Proxy setting, with URL format. Regular expression: ^https?:\\/\\/.+$.

    • httpsProxy: HTTPS Proxy setting, with URL format. Regular expression: ^https?:\\/\\/.+$.

    • noProxy: No Proxy setting, comma separated list of network addresses and/or domain names.

    noProxy should at least include the Kubernetes Services network address.

    For example, if the Kubernetes Services network address is Then, the values should looks like:

    agility-operator: env: manager: httpProxy: httpProxy: <http://example.com:3128> httpsProxy: <http://example.com:3128> noProxy:

Deploy the AGILITY application chart

  1. Create an override values file (options available in the AGILITY chart):

    Update cv.httpProxy options

    • httpProxy: HTTP Proxy setting, with URL format. Regular expression: ^https?:\\/\\/.+$.

    • httpsProxy: HTTPS Proxy setting, with URL format. Regular expression: ^https?:\\/\\/.+$.

    • noProxy: No Proxy setting, comma separated list of network addresses and/or domain names.

Disable remote monitoring (central-monitoring.b-yond.com) and data report (AWS bucket)

AGILITY sends anonymous usage data collection to B-Yond. This can be disabled following these instructions:

Deploy the AGILITY application chart

  1. Create an override values file (options available in the AGILITY chart):

    Update cv.agilityOpenTelemetry.settings.remote.enabled and cv.settings.sharePcapInformation options

Enable customer monitoring

AGILITY can send metrics to a compliant Open Telemetry collector.

  1. Create an override values file (options available in the AGILITY chart):

    Update cv.agilityOpenTelemetry.settings.customer options

    Complete based on the following options:

    • enabled: <boolean> -required-

      • Enables a customer to route Agility data to a compliant Open Telemetry collector. Default value: false

    • endpoint: <string> -required-