

Upgrade process is similar to installation. Downgrade process is not supported by AGILITY.

  1. Export the environment variable with the new AGILITY version

    cd agility-charts export AGILITY_VERSION="X.Y.Z"
  2. Follow the installation guide to Download the new Helm charts.

  3. Update agility-system considering any custom values file you might used

    1. Run the Helm command to deploy agility-system:

    helm --namespace kube-system upgrade --install --create-namespace agility-system ./agility-system --values <custom-values-files.yaml>
  4. Update agility-services considering any custom values file you might used

    1. Run the Helm command to deploy agility-services:

    helm --namespace agility upgrade --install --create-namespace agility-services ./agility-services --values <custom-values-files.yaml>

    Wait until all Pods are in Running or Completed state and all Running items show all expected containers running under READY column.

  5. Update agility considering any custom values file you might used

    1. Run the Helm command to deploy AGILITY:

    Wait until all Pods are in Running or Completed state and all Running items show all expected containers running under READY column.