AGILITY Backup and Restore
AGILITY uses Databases to persist data. This guide explains how to configure backup and how to restore based on agility-services
database solution.
uses PGO to manage Database instances. PGO uses pgBackRest for backup management. Detailed information about Database backup options can be found on:
S3 Backup configuration for AGILITY
AGILITY provides local backup per default and it is suggested not to change this setting. However, it is possible to optionally enable remote S3 backup.
Create a kubernetes secret named
with the remote S3 credentials.Declare the S3 credentials as environment variables and the namespace where AGILITY is installed
export NS=agility export S3_BACKUP_CREDENTIALS_FILE=/tmp/s3-backup.ini export S3_ACCESS_KEY=<Access key> export S3_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET=<Secret access key>
Store in a temporary file the S3 credentials with the following format
cat <<EOF > ${S3_BACKUP_CREDENTIALS_FILE} [global] repo2-s3-key=${S3_ACCESS_KEY} repo2-s3-key-secret=${S3_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET} EOF
Create the kubernetes secret
kubectl --namespace ${NS} create secret generic agility-db-backup --from-file=s3.conf=${S3_BACKUP_CREDENTIALS_FILE}
Define backup override values file
Define the required information
As per
should be eitherhost
. Usuallypath
is the preferred option:S3 URI Style. The following URI styles are supported: host - Connect to bucket.endpoint host. path - Connect to endpoint host and prepend bucket to URIs.
Declare the file
Run the Helm command to deploy agility-services:
Once deployed, check backup configuration is healthy
Output should be the following:
Enforce first full backup execution on the S3 bucket
A new pod will be created, wait until it gets
S3 Backup verification
Once S3 backup is configured, it is possible to verify the current status:
Expected output should be similar to the following message:
database can be restored in place.
Define the time
database will be restoredFrom PGO documentation:
"To perform a Pont In Time Recovery (PITR), you must have a backup that finished before your PITR time. In other words, you can’t perform a PITR back to a time where you do not have a backup!"
Update the same values file it was created to backup configuration.
Open with your preferred edit the values file
Add the
section underpostgrescluster.pgbackrest.otherSpec
option must be changed with your defined dateRun the Helm command to deploy agility-services:
postgrescluster to start restore processWait until restoration job finish and gets terminated
Output should be similar to the following code block
Once restoration jobs is Terminated, agility-db pod will be created and restored with data from the selected date
Recreate affected services
Once AGILITY is available, disable restoration to avoid undesired restoration
postgrescluster.pgbackrest.otherSpecs.restore.enabled: false
Run the Helm command to deploy agility-services: