Renew AGILITY License
Renew AGILITY License
AGILITY License can be renewed. In order of renewing it, it is needed to update the Kubernetes license secret:
Backup the current B-Yond License
kubectl --namespace agility get secret agility-operator -o yaml > /<safe-directory-path>/secret-byond-license.yaml
Store the new B-Yond License on a temporary directory
export BYOND_LICENSE_PATH="/tmp/license.token" vi ${BYOND_LICENSE_PATH}
Create the new B-Yond license kubernetes secret locally:
kubectl --namespace agility create secret generic agility-operator \ --from-file="license.token"=${BYOND_LICENSE_PATH} --dry-run=client -o yaml > ${BYOND_LICENSE_PATH}.yaml
Replace the B-Yond license kubernetes secret:
Restart AGILITY Operator instance
, multiple selections available,
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