Run a comparative analysis

Run a comparative analysis

The call flow Comparison feature enables you to compare selected call flows with a reference set of flows and provide a similarity score between the call flows, facilitating the identification of the closest matches and highlighting differences.

Note: AGILITY currently supports VoLTE call flows for this feature.

Comparison uses

  • System upgrades: Comparative analysis in AGILITY can assist you during software and network upgrades. Creating a Reference set of call flows before your upgrade and running a comparison after your upgrade can help to identify drifts between pre-upgrade and post-upgrade releases. This can help identify changes that may have been introduced by new issues and speed up corrective actions.

  • Identifying call flows: Creating a Reference set containing different call flows such as VoLTE-VoLTE, VoLTE-PSTN, VoLTE-Vo WIFI, Breakout, Handover, Conference, and Diversion allows you to compare a new call flow and identify which flow it matches.

  • Troubleshooting: Creating a Reference set with golden call flows can assist you in troubleshooting an issue by showing you differences and failures to more quickly pinpoint the source of the issue.

You must create reference sets before you run a comparative analysis.

Create a Reference set

  1. Choose an existing analysis or run a new one. See Access your analyses | View Analyses or Start a new analysis for details.

  2. From your High Level Summary, choose the call flow that you want to use as a new reference.

  3. On the Call Flow Details page, select Set as a Reference and enter a name for the new reference and select the checkmark.


    The reference is added to the Added as Reference list.

Add call flows to your Reference set

To add additional call flows to your Reference set:

  1. Choose an existing analysis or run a new one. See Access your analyses | View Analyses or Start a new analysis for details.

  2. From your High Level Summary, choose the call flow that you want to add to a reference set.

  3. On the Call Flow Details page, select Set as a Reference and choose the existing reference(s) you want to add the call flow to. It is added to the reference when a checkmark displays in the box.

  4. Click away from the Reference area to close the window.

Manage your references

View and manage your references from the Reference page found in the main AGILITY menu.

  1. Select References from the AGILITY main menu.
    The list of references opens and you can expand a reference to view the call flows it contains.

  2. Choose a call flow. You can view by Epoch or Timeframe, enter a search keyword, or search the call flow by setting the minimum and maximum frame number.

  3. To delete the entire reference, select the word Delete.
    To delete a call flow in the Reference, select the Delete icon next to the call flow you want to delete.

Note: You must have at least one call flow in your Reference set. Deleting all call flows will remove the Reference set.

Run a comparison

  1. Choose an existing analysis or run a new one. See Access your analyses | View Analyses or Start a new analysis for details.

  2. From your High Level Summary, choose the call flow that you want to compare against a reference set.

  3. On the Call Flow Details page, select the Comparison tab.

  4. Select the reference set you want from the Reference Element list.
    AGILITY runs the comparison and displays the results.

Interpret your comparison results

After your comparison runs, AGILITY displays the comparative analysis.

  • Toggle Show only differences to view only the differences between the selected call flow and the comparison set.

  • Switch to another comparison set by selecting it from the drop-down list.

Similarity score is the percentage of similarity the selected call flow has to call flows within the Reference set. The call flows in the set are arranged from highest percentage match to lowest.

Below the Similarity score, AGILITY displays more information about the call flows.





Call Flow Info

Signature or identifier of the flow with key identifying details and metrics that define each individual flow within the network, such as Flow type, File name, Time stamp, Duration, Protocols, and Interfaces.

Network Topology Info

Details about the network environment supporting various types of flows. It includes information on network topology, the type of mobile networks, and network configuration parameters such us ports and addresses.

Messages Info

Detailed log and analysis of the signaling messages that are key to the establishment, maintenance, and termination of communication flows, such as Messages list, Response errors, SIP branch type, Message causes.

Network Access Info

Details on how devices connect to the network and the initial setup information. Focuses on the access layer of the network with information such as Tracking area code, Public Land Mobile Network, Cell ID, and APN.

Bearers and Session Info

Details the data channels (bearers) and session management information for various services like voice calls, data connectivity, and messaging. It covers aspects such as bearer setup, modification, session initiation, and management, and Quality of Service (QoS)/QoS Class Identifier (QCI) Information.

IMS Info

The IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) Info section provides insights into the core architectural component of VoLTE that enables the delivery of multimedia services over IP networks. It includes information such as SIP Access info, SIP media type, SIP reason, SIP request URI, SIP Command sequence, SIP History info, and SIP Access Network info header.


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