Access your analyses

To view your analyses, navigate to the workspaces and select Analysis Hub from the navigation menu.



A list of analyses opens next to the Navigation menu.

View Analyses

Under the My Analyses tab, you’ll find a list of the files you’ve uploaded, accompanied by their analysis status.

If there are others working in the same AGILITY environment, you’ll find a list of the files uploaded by others under the Others' Analyses tab.

To view the Analysis Details for any given analysis:

Click on a file with the completed label to view details.


The High-Level Summary Page opens next to the My Analyses tab.

View file upload/processing statuses

You can view the status of your analysis files from the My Analyses tab.

There are four file upload/processing statuses:


The file(s) is still being processed.


Your file has been successfully processed and the analysis details are ready for your review.

Processing error

AGILITY could not process your files due to file errors. The precise reason for each failure is provided in the UI. After reviewing the reason for the failure, you can determine how to re-upload your files and re-run the analysis. Processing errors include timeouts.

Completed with errors

Something went wrong during file processing. For example:

  • A prediction script error on our end

  • Auto-detection detected the incorrect service

  • The user selected the incorrect service

  • We do not have a model that is compatible with the network captures that were uploaded

Next: Filter and sort your analyses or View the High Level Summary.