View your High-Level Summary

The High-Level Summary

The High-Level summary page is a gateway to in-depth Call Flow analyses.

It provides key insights that help you:

  • visualize network troubleshooting workflows

  • prioritize network assurance measures and troubleshooting

  • optimize network error isolation

  • resolve failures

AGILITY’s High-Level Summary page allows you to identify analyses with the highest failure rates at the outset of the troubleshooting process so you can focus on key areas.


Network activity overview cards

The High-Level Summary shows the Analysis Insights tab by default.

The overview cards on the High-Level Summary page provide links that direct you to the detected and failure pages for Network Slices, Subscribers, and Call Flows.

Network Slices

A summary of network slices in the analysis.

  • Network Slices Detected

  • Network Slices with Failures

Select the See Details icon to view the details about the detected or failed calls by network slicing.

5G network slicing is a technique that allows for the creation of multiple virtual networks on top of a single physical 5G infrastructure. A single physical network is divided into multiple virtual networks, called slices. Each slice can be optimized for a specific type of service or for a specific customer or application. Slicing creates challenges for management and orchestration.

Read our blog post on network slicing.

With network slicing capabilities AGILITY offers filtering of call flows by Network Slice/Service Type (SST) to quickly identify virtualized and independent logical networks on the same physical network.


A summary of services in the analysis.

  • Services Detected

  • Services with Failures

Network Functions

A summary of network functions in the analysis.

  • Network Functions Detected

  • Network Functions with Failures


A summary of subscribers (IMSIs or MSISDNs) in the analysis.

  • Subscribers Detected

  • Subscribers with Failure

Select the See Details icon to view the details about the detected or failed calls by Subscriber.

Call Flows

A summary of the call flows in the analysis.

  • Call Flows Detected

  • Call Flows with Failures

Select the See Details icon to view the details about the detected or failed calls by Call Flows.

Analysis KPIs

A KPI analysis, or Key Performance Indicator analysis, is a process of evaluating and assessing the performance of a call flow against a configurable reference value (an average value or a golden rule) to better understand network performance. In AGILITY you can view KPIs at the network and the call flow levels.

Select the Analysis KPIs tab to search and view the network KPIs in your analysis.

AGILITY contains the following network performance indicators:

Note: Depending on your service, you may not see indicators.





Control plane latency

The time it takes for signaling and control messages to travel within a network (ms).

User plane latency

The time it takes for a data packet to travel within the network (ms).

If you have Administrator rights, you can edit the KPI values and thresholds. For more, see .

Network activity overview graphs

Network Slices Distribution

The Network Slices Distribution pie chart depicts the ratio of network slices with success, warning, unknown, and failed flows.

  • Hover over the chart to view the number of network slices with successful, warning, unknown, and failed flows.

Subscribers Distribution

The Subscribers Distribution pie chart depicts the ratio of IMSIs or MSISDNs with successful, warning, unknown, and failed flows.

  • Hover over the chart to view the number of Subscribers with successful, warning, unknown, and failed call flows.

Call Flow Distribution

The Call Flow Distribution pie chart depicts the ratio of successful, warning, unknown, and failed flows.

  • Hover over the chart to view the number of successful, warning, unknown, and failed call flows.

Call Flow Distribution per Network Slice

The Call Flow Distribution per Slice bar chart depicts the number of services on the Y axis and the name of the Slice detected on the X axis.

  • Hover over the bars for more information.

Call Flow Distribution per Service

The Call Flow Distribution per Service bar chart depicts the number of services on the Y axis and the name of the Service(s) detected on the X axis.

  • Hover over the bars for more information.

Note: If the Service name is truncated, hover over the X-axis to expose the full name.

Network Functions responsible for Failures

The Network Functions responsible for Failures bar chart depicts the number of call flows for each network functions that are involved or are responsible for the failures.

  • Hover over the bars for more information.

Next: View the detailed results of AGILITY’s PCAP analysis in the Call Flow Details page.