Add AGILITY Webhook Integration

Add AGILITY Webhook Integration

Webhooks allow you to monitor events on your AGILITY account, enabling your integrations to automatically trigger reactions. You can also create Jira tickets via AGILITY webhook events.

Benefits of using webhooks

When building integrations, it's beneficial for your applications to receive real-time events, enabling your backend systems to respond promptly.

To activate webhook events, you need to register webhook endpoints. Once registered, AGILITY sends webhook events to your application as a JSON payload, incorporating an Event object.

Leveraging webhook events is especially valuable for monitoring asynchronous events, such as when a PCAP analysis is completed.

Event overview

When an event occurs, AGILITY generates a new Event object. For example, if you create a new analysis, you receive analysis_done events.

By registering webhook endpoints, you enable AGILITY to automatically send Event objects through POST requests to your application's registered webhook endpoint.

Upon receiving the Event, your application can execute backend actions.

Event types

The following is a list of all the event types we currently send.

New event types may be introduced over time, so when developing and maintaining your code it’s advisable to check back here for updates.

  • analysis_done: Occurs whenever the processing of an analysis is complete.

Event object

The Event object sent to your webhook endpoint provides a snapshot of the modified object.

Example event payload

The following shows an analysis done event type.



Your webhook endpoint receives events for all the subscribed event types according to your configuration. Use the received event_name to determine the specific processing your application needs to perform.
The data object corresponding to each event type varies (in the above example, the data object represents an analysis result). Adapt your application's processing logic accordingly.

Next: Set up and register your webhooks

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