Manage AGILITY Local Users - Create Admin user

Manage AGILITY Local Users - Create Admin user

You can add a new user in Keycloak and make it available for AGILITY.

Reset default admin password

  1. Go to the site agility realm admin console:
    For example: https://agility.example.com/cv/auth/admin/agility/console

  2. Log in with the admin user agility-admin@b-yond.com.

  3. Select Users from the navigation panel, and select the Credentials tab.



  4. Select Reset password and enter the new values.

  5. Select Save and then confirm Reset password.

  6. Log out and start using the new admin password.

User creation

  1. Go to the site agility realm admin console:
    For example: https://agility.example.com/cv/auth/admin/agility/console

  2. Log in with the admin user agility-admin@b-yond.com.

  3. Select Manage -> Users and select Add user.


  4. Complete the form:
    Required user actions: Update password
    Username: john.doe@b-yond.com
    Email: john.doe@b-yond.com
    First name: John
    Last name: Doe

  5. To give users admin permissions, complete the form and select Join Groups and choose the required group:

    • agility-admin: AGILITY administrator user.

    • auth-admin: agility realm admin user. This is the same permissions as the agility-admin@b-yond.com user on the Keycloak console.

  6. Select Create.


  7. Select the Credentials tab and select Set password.

  8. Enter a temporary password twice. Set the Temporary setting to On and select Save and then Confirm.

First login

  1. As a user, go to the main application URL https://cv-dev.b-yond.com/cv/ and log in.


  2. Once you log in, update the temporary password.


  3. Set the new password and select Submit.