User management - Keycloak email configuration

User management - Keycloak email configuration

Keycloak email configuration

The following guide explains how to configure sending emails in Keycloak.

User permissions

Because email configuration needs a valid destination email address to test, do not use agility-admin@b-yond.com. Instead, choose another user with auth-admin permissions and a valid email address.

To create users with auth-admin permissions check local users documentation

Email settings configuration

  1. Go to the site agility realm admin console: <scheme>://<hostname>/cv/auth/admin/agility/console. For example https://agility.example.com/cv/auth/admin/agility/console

  2. Login with an auth-admin user with a valid email address

  3. Go to Configure -> Realm settings. Select Email tab.

  4. Complete the form based on your email configuration and click on Test connection to validate it. Ensure you see a green notification as the following image shows.


  5. Then, go to the user email and validate you received the test email


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